Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wanna be Type A

Hi my name's Riya and I am a wanna be Type A!

I really want to be a Type A personality person, all the people I look up to in my life are pretty much Type A and I am so envious of that. They always have their lives together or so it appears and they are so organized and I have tried so hard to be that person but here I am as the year is winding down and realizing that even though it was  great aspiration to become like them I just simply can not do it and it's not the person I am.

I do have to say luckily there are some habits that I have kinda, sorta taken on to help me deal but they are not things that I could do religiously. For example. I love my planner because it is beautiful but I do not use it everyday I will track some things so that I can look back and remember them at a later date but other than that I just put things in my phone if I need to. Otherwise if I forget to do something it's really not the end of the world.

Lets talk about lists and deadlines. I am not about them, I have a current to-do list on my night stand that was all supposed to be completed on Sunday. Guess what it's Wednesday now and I still haven't finished them (#sorrynotsorry). I think it's a great concept to get your ideas down but I am just to much of a take things as they come person that I can not keep up with them.

I also do not need to be doing something all the time. I LOVE NOT DOING ANYTHING. Call my lazy (it's okay my mom does). There are few things that I enjoy more than sitting in bed in my pajamas and watching Netflix for days and I mean days. I am probably the most notorious binge watcher I know, because other people will try to function and watch shows. I on the other hand will avoid going out with my friends so I can finish watching something. (you could say that I'm a completionist in that sense)

I can't really think of anything else at the moment, but I wish I was a Type A but as of right now I'm just  Type RPO1