Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Winter Blues

Living in New England can really get you down! I love the seasons and it really is the most beautiful place to live, but the only down side. WINTER CAN LAST FOREVER!

I am unfortunately not immune to this. I have lived in Connecticut my whole life and these long winters really get you down. I am so looking forward to the spring and as April 1st is upon us I think it is about high time that we get some Spring weather! It even partially snowed today! #whatislife

I'm so excited for the Spring and I can't wait to be able to enjoy the Spring days. Spring days bring spring fashion which I am also excited about.

April is looking like a pretty packed weekend with my upcoming trip this weekend! More to follow on that later but Hopefully this weather will cooperate and we will have beautiful flowers soon enough!

What are you looking forward to most this spring? Happy Tuesday!