Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekened Wind Down: Chocolate Crescents

It's finally feeling like spring and the weather is consistently great. The flowers are in bloom and I am always looking forward to the weekend. This weekend was chocked full of good food, friends and adventures. The highlight though had to be baking with BB because obviously Sunday's are for baking so stay tuned for more Sunday Funday recipes. This weekend we made Chocolate Crescents the recipe we used was found off Pinterest which can be a little iffy. Tell me you have seen those #Pinterestfails. Thankfully this worked out and I can't wait to make them again. They are literally the perfect sweet treat to bring over a friends or to any fabulous brunch.


You will need 3 ingredients! 
Chocolate Chips
Crescent Rolls
1 egg

 Unroll the crescent dough, and add about 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips. You can add more if you want or less. Pictured above is 1 tablespoon. Then you need to roll the dough from the wider end towards the tip. 

First ever GIF on RPO1 is a success!

Once you have rolled all of the crescents then place them on a cookie sheet and this is when the egg comes in handy. You want to baste the crescents with the beaten egg so that they can have a nice golden brown color when they come out of the oven.

These have been basted with the egg,

Out of the oven and looking beautifully golden brown!

While the rolls are in the oven it is a perfect time to melt your chocolate chips for the chocolate drizzle. The original recipe calls for microwaving the chocolate chips but I don't like putting in chocolate in the microwave because I feel like more times than not it comes out tasting burnt. So we created a double boiler of sorts and melted the chocolate in a heat resistant bowl over boiling water.

 Then to distribute the chocolate I put it in a sandwich bag and cut the tip off, sort of like a pastry bag

Obviously I am professional decorator ;)

Then just let them cool and enjoy all of the deliciousness! 

Happy Eating!

P.S look out for a new layout later this week!


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