Thursday, September 17, 2015

Traveling tips and troubles

I love to travel! I think my one of my favorite things is packing and getting ready to start a new adventure. Now that beautiful fall weather  is upon us I am ready to pack my bags and hit the road for all the weekend travels that await. There are some things however that can really ruin any trip so here are some tips for the troubles you may encounter while exploring.

1. Make sure you have enough CASH on you weather it be for the traveling expenses or to tip someone or for my worst enemy: tolls...

2. Check the weather. I have been delightfully surprised by weather and then other time there have been occasions where the weather has ruined the whole outing. Also realize how temperatures relate to your location. For example when you are going to the park 68/70 degrees may seem perfect...but if you are at the beach with G force winds coming at you! DON'T DO IT!

3. Make sure that you have snacks on you at all time, especially if you are going on a road trip to some far off land you will  run into someone getting HANGRY so make sure you have little snack and maybe even pack a cooler of drinks. You can never have too many snacks :)

4. Knowing you accommodations is a big part of any trip. I personally perfer hotels with a 3 star rating or above which will take a great chunk out of the travel budget but really I think it's worth having a clean bed and bathroom #sorrynotsorry. Don't take this as if I have never stayed anywhere else I have stayed in cabins in the woods which was an interesting experience very quaint you can read more about it here. I also have stayed at a motel which wasn't the worst thing due to the location and type of accommodations. I have also stayed in tiny run down hotels in NYC. So my suggestion is figure out what kind of place you feel most comfortable in and make sure you do research so you can get the best price because we all love a good deal! Just another tip if your planning a trip far enough in advance don't forget to check groupon and such cause I've seen some good promotions on there.

5. Choosing the right traveling companions I think will really make or break a trip. I've been on great trips with not such great company and it's ruined the experience and soured the memories. BB is my ride or die when is comes to traveling so bless his heart. I haven't taken too many trips with my friends but I know that when we do travel together it's a really good idea to be transparent about your intentions and plans for the trip as well as MONEY! When everyone talks about these things openly it can only help to make sure that everyone has the best time possible.

I'm currently gearing up for a trip to Lake George this weekend which I am SO EXCITED about! I will post a recap when I get back and I hope you have an exciting weekend planned! 

P.S let me know if you have any other  travel tips or troubles!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


First of all I want to start off saying that I am so happy that I am finally able to blog again. I had to take a forced hiatus for a while which was so annoying because, my computer literally died and came back to life a dozen or so times. Because of that I have some trust issues and I couldn't bring myself to deal with technology. So with this post I am slowly dipping my toes into the internet/ technological waters again. Although I have still been using my phone #duh, but there is something just so wonderful about listening to the tapping of fingers on a key board. 

Pretty much I guess I will just catch you up on what has been going on for the past month or so. I did a little bit of lite summer travel as well as exploring nothing too crazy though. I got a new job because #schoolloans. Blame it on the Man, that's why I haven't been able to post much because I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I have also become a part time personal driver, so if you need me call me 😆. Other than these couple of things not much has changed. I have realized however that because I spend so much time during the day working I have a lot of time to think and while thinking I come up with so many ideas and thoughts to share with my lovely readers. So just you wait and see.

Tomorrow I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out part deux so since I will be bed ridden I will have even more time to compile blog posts!

I'm excited to be back and look forward to the adventures to come. Have a fabulous hump day.