Wednesday, September 2, 2015


First of all I want to start off saying that I am so happy that I am finally able to blog again. I had to take a forced hiatus for a while which was so annoying because, my computer literally died and came back to life a dozen or so times. Because of that I have some trust issues and I couldn't bring myself to deal with technology. So with this post I am slowly dipping my toes into the internet/ technological waters again. Although I have still been using my phone #duh, but there is something just so wonderful about listening to the tapping of fingers on a key board. 

Pretty much I guess I will just catch you up on what has been going on for the past month or so. I did a little bit of lite summer travel as well as exploring nothing too crazy though. I got a new job because #schoolloans. Blame it on the Man, that's why I haven't been able to post much because I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I have also become a part time personal driver, so if you need me call me 😆. Other than these couple of things not much has changed. I have realized however that because I spend so much time during the day working I have a lot of time to think and while thinking I come up with so many ideas and thoughts to share with my lovely readers. So just you wait and see.

Tomorrow I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out part deux so since I will be bed ridden I will have even more time to compile blog posts!

I'm excited to be back and look forward to the adventures to come. Have a fabulous hump day.



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