Friday, August 1, 2014

Fabulous Finds Friday!

This week I was all about expanding my wardrobe and taking some risks as far as my everyday fashion goes and I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. The first item that I decided to invest in were some bright pink ankle pants and they were a
hit! I was a little apprehensive at first but I think that my wardrobe was really in need of a pop of color. I also want to mention that these pants compliment my 100 navy tops perfectly so it was a win win all around, plus I got them on clearance so that made the purchase even more justified!

My other favorite purchase this week were my navy blue flats with the pointy toes! I don't have any pointed shoes so this was a really daring move for me but now that I have a pair I think I am a fan! They are so cute and versatile, you can dress them up for a night out of keep it cute and casual at the office or out running errands! As I mentioned before about my 100 navy tops I now have shoes to match them which makes me happy beyond belief! I also bought some skinny khaki pants for work which I love because number one they are so comfortable and number two khaki is the perfect compliment to navy I'm obsessed ! Lastly, I thought it was time to dress up my nails a little bit so I finally broke out Mint Candy Apple by Essie, which I have been dying to use and I think it is the perfect hue to start the send off of summer!

Fabulous Finds Friday 1 

One last thing! I got all these items on sale! So make sure you go check out all the fabulous finds this weekend!

What's your favorite late summer purchase? 

Happy August! XOXO-RPO1


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