Friday, August 29, 2014

Fabulous Finds Friday!

Welcome to the end of another wonderful week! Although I love bringing you all the fabulous finds that I have found in fashion as well as other areas of life sometimes it is important to just sit back relax and take some time for yourself! The most important thing in your life should always be yourself because if you can't take care of you then you will not be able to give the best of yourself to others. Along with many things that you can do to make you feel better and happier about yourself and life I would like to share with you the 3 things that I am obsessed with this week and how they really help me, be the best me!

First off I have a confession to make I am the worst, worst, worst person when it comes to hydrating and I feel like I have gone days without drinking water! I know this is literally the worst thing ever but I promise that I have gotten a million times better at that and I think that it greatly because of my CamelBak! I love drinking out of straw and because drinking out of this is more fun than a regular water bottle I am more likely to use it because I don't have to worry about it leaking all over the place or getting all busted. I love it and as per the usual I can not wait to add my monogram on it ;)

The best drinking accessory
Second thing that I like to do to help my feel refreshed and like I am giving my best face to the world ;) is to use Herbalism. Not only do I love using Lush products because I have very sensitive skin and it does not irritate it but I also like that they are hand made products that are not shipped out to any big box store so I know if I have questions there will be someone there who can answer them for me or if I have an issue there is always someone there to assist. I also like that the product is 100% natural!

Lastly the best way to relax is with some aromatherapy. I am literally OBSESSED with this Eucalyptus Spearmint scent. I have it in a lotion, shower gel, hand cream, and a pocket sized hand sanitizer! (like I said obsessed) It has the most amazing smell and it's kind of refreshing as well like the label says apply and take a deep breath!

I hope you enjoyed all my fabulous finds and I also hope some of these products help you relax and make the most out of your holiday weekend!



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