Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rainy Summer Days

I love a nice summer day as much as the next person but I have to confess that I LOVE rainy days! There is just something so perfect about the chill from the rain and the soothing sound it makes. It's perfect to sleep in, or just to hang around the house, or even get some work done because you don't feel tempted to go outside, but rather it's more of an inside kind of day and sometimes those are the best and exactly what you need. My absolute favorite part of a rainy day though is my rain accessories! A perfect outfit can just make your day and anytime I can wear my rain coat and rain boots I consider that day a win!

Rainy Day

I love splashing around in my Hunter Boots they were definitely a good investment and I would recommend them to anyone who is in the market for rain boots, and lets be honest here, who doesn't need some rain boots in their life? Well if you live in the North East like I do I hope this post was a pick up for you from this rainy weather, but it looks like its going to continue tomorrow! If rainy weather isn't your favorite however no fear! It looks like this weekend is going to be fabulous and sunny!

What do you like to do when it's raining?


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