Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Solstice Party!

This weekend has been one that I have been anticipating for such a long time! It was my graduation party/ summer solstice party! For the past three years I have been obsessed with having an all white summer solstice party, but it never really worked out but everyone knows that I have been talking about doing it and then when I realized that I could do my graduation party all tied in with it I was all about it. This was my first time hosting a party at my house and having all the responsibility of coordinating it. It was most definitely a learning experience and even though I was so stressed about all of it and I wanted it to go off with a hitch I can honestly say that I did not sit down and take a breath until about half and hour into the party but once I did get to enjoy it, I realized how happy I was not only with the party  but with all the people I love around me and celebrating with me! After all that's what I think is the most important thing about a party is the people the guest list definitely sets the tone and I can not explain how happy all of my guests made me and how I am so grateful that they showed up ;) (asking people to show up in all white was a gamble but everyone showed up dressed to the nines!) I wasn't able to take pictures of my own because my phone was the music hub for the evening so I didn't have anything to take any pictures with and taking pictures with my camera but a big thanks to my wonderful friends and family for taking all these fabulous pictures!

Ladies in white-such a beautiful sight
Artsy shot by - Brittany
Family Tree Pic! #sororitylife
 Cheers to the good life! 

Fabulously fashionable!
Classic Jumping pic- still a work in progress

 Beautiful roses from a beautiful sister- Lauren 
Work It!
The fam bam :)
Getting caught taking selfies!
Finished product ;) - Photo Credit to Samantha!
Yay for graduation!
Fierce, Fabulous, and Fashionable Friends!

I had so much fun planning the party and I was so happy with how it was all executed and came together! I can't wait until the next soirĂ©e! 

A couple of things that I would like to add about the party that are kind of pictured above:
  •  I lined the party area with white balloons that were tied down with gold tee's.
  • Music is a must to make the mood, my selection was my Frank Sinatra station on Pandora
  • Food and Drinks; it is very important that you have enough for all your guests this could make or break the party! 
  • Party favors are a nice touch to show your guest that you appreciate them coming 
    • My guests left with

Personalized mason jars 
Mini s'mores kits (perfect way to kick off summer!)

Lastly the most important thing about any party of gathering that you have are the thank you notes! In my opinion there is no better way of showing your appreciation than writing a hand written note to your guests because they've taken the time out of their day to celebrate you and a  little thank you note is your way of returning the gesture!
I'm off the write mine right now!

P. S: A big thank you to my cousin Noor for being my official photographer for the night along with my friends, Samantha, Lexy, and Brittany for sending me pictures from the party! Thank you!

Are you planning any parties this summer? What are some of your favorite tips for throwing a summer time bash?



  1. Yayyy! that party was great!, and may i say we all look FANTASTIC!!!

  2. i think i shuld be the one bein thanked for keepin everyone entertained hahahahahaahahahha hhhhahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn
    anonymous is ur bro
