Monday, June 2, 2014


I love having Monday's off because it really helps ease me back into the work week grind. What I don't love however is when I have a perfectly beautiful day and I end up staying in bed and watching Law and Order: SVU although I do love days like that don't get me wrong! Today however was made to be productive for me, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and pretty much after that it was guns blazing! (I went to bed really early yesterday from heat exhaustion that's the only reason I was up so early!) My parents bought a grill a week or so ago and it has just been sitting in my garage slowly driving me crazy because all I want to do is grill and just enjoy my summer evenings just like any other red blooded American! Am I right? It is summer after all!

So the mission today was to assemble the grill, and I was feeling pretty confident about it because I now consider myself sort of a handy woman, I did build all my own IKEA furniture and for anyone who has ever walked down that path they know how difficult it is. So here I am with a million pieces of grill sitting in front of me all sprawled out on my porch and as I'm surrounded by cardboard, screws and random pieces of metal and not the right type of tools AT ALL I was just about to throw in the towel. I took a break from a moment and collected my self and got back to it, because I knew the finished product would be so worth it. I think sometimes it really is important to walk away from things when you are feeling overwhelmed because giving yourself a minute to clear your head can really be refreshing, the hard part though it not taking a break that is too long because that is when I find myself slipping into laziness and not wanting to keep going. Luckily I stayed motivated today and was able to pull through! It took me 5 hours to assemble this grill but I did it and here is the finished product!

Making this happen today has really made me feel accomplished, there are so many little things that can be done in the day that can be so worth while to you! I really enjoyed working on the grill all day it was a great way to clear my mind. After accomplishing my grill I was more than happy to enjoy the fruits of my labor!

Grilling and Chillin'!

What things are you looking to accomplish this week?

Stay fabulous- RPO1


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