Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Disconnect To Reconnect

With the holidays coming up it's going to be a time where we all find ourselves spending more time with family and friends which is always interesting and exciting. However it seems as if all this quality time flies by so quickly that we don't even remember all the funny moments that are happening all around us. Do you know the reason for this? We all are all glued to our cell phones, tablets, laptops, and TVs! Don't get me wrong I love my tech as much as the next person but there are a few rules that I apply in my everyday life more so than before because I realize that I am not going to ever get this time back. I can mindlessly troll the Internet on my own time when I should be more productive and doing other things, but I have made the active choice to disconnect from any kind of technology when I am with a friend or family member I may even extend this to random strangers as well because I notice how much people are using their cell phones as crutches and it is really getting to me.

Here are my 3 rules to disconnecting;

1.) If you are out to a meal with anyone; significant other, friends, family, or business associate. DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHONE OUT AT THE TABLE! I can not explain what a pet peeve of mine it is to be sitting at a table to only be ignored by the company. If you are out spending your time with someone then they should be the most important person in that moment not the random you are texting. If talking to that person on the other end of your phone is more important than you should be spending time with them not the person who is sitting across the table from you. Not to mention it is also rude to the server, because they are not there to wait around for you to figure out what you want after having sat there for 30 minutes scrolling your Instagram feed or group texting. You are not the only person they are helping and you are also occupying a table for much longer than necessary. SO PLEASE PUT THE PHONE DOWN!

2.) Don't let your phone become your new best friend, don't let it be the first thing you look at when you wake up in the morning or the last thing you look at before you go to sleep. In my opinion I think it's important for you to distance yourself from your phone because how many times have you got out of bed and the first thing you reach for was your phone? I know I do it all the time but my with my new mantra I find that it is important to begin my morning routine without my phone in my hand. This is the time of day I find is best to collect my thoughts and get ready for what is to come. It shouldn't be when you are clouding your thoughts with the latest celebrity gossip but rather focus on yourself! Every night before I go to be I plug my phone in the charge away from my bed and turn it on do not disturb so that way I can fall into a better more restless sleep.

3.) Be in the moment take in experiences with your senses not your screen. How many times have you taken pictures of things and never did anything with them only to delete them a few months later. I could not tell you how many pictures of fireworks I had or pictures of food that I never posted to Instagram. I have come to realize now though that I don't want to be looking at the world through a screen. I make it my mission to see, hear, smell, and feel all the things around me. That is how I believe true memories are made.

When was the last time you disconnected to reconnect? 



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