Monday, November 17, 2014

Wendy Williams Weekend!

This I would have to say was one of the best Weekends of my life! I met my idol Wendy Williams! I have been obsessed with her since my sophomore year in college when I would watch her show on midnight on BET and use it as an escape from the reality that was my first 2 very difficult years of college where I was anything but happy. I loved and still do love watching her show she is totally a friend in my head and whenever I get the chance to see her doing anything I am all about it! Luckily she lives in the tri-state area so most of her events are local enough. I went to a tapping of her show about 3 years ago and it was so much fun! If you ever have the chance to go I would highly suggest it because there is not better way to start off a party the Wendy way ;) this is also why I make sure I watch her show everyday because I feel like I'm just listening to chatter from one of my girlfriends and I love getting input from her about all different topics. Last summer which I can not believe was actually that long ago I went to see her in CHICAGO the musical on Broadway which was my first time seeing a Broadway show and I loved it number one and number 2 of course I was going to love it because my girl Wendy was there! She did a great job in my opinion. I also watch her after show segments that she does on YouTube so I feel as though I really get to know another side of her aside from what you see on day time TV. She gives great advice and is really a girls girl and I can not confirm it any better than by the fact that I actually had the honor of meeting her this past weekend! It was amazing but the way that I came about to getting to meet her proves how obsessed I was with seeing her. She was asked to do a Comedy Show in Las Vegas over the summer and was asked back for Halloween weekend and I was so close to booking a ticket and making my way to Vegas but logistically it would not have been possible. The saving grace of this all however was when she mentioned in her After Show that she would be hosting a Comedy show in New Jersey Saturday November 15th. I was literally freaking out I went to purchase the tickets and the prices were a little steep for the orchestra and I wanted to be as close to the stage as possible but when I saw the little note at the bottom that mentioned there would be a meet and greet I bought the tickets in an instant and told BB to deal with the date because I was going and this was a thing that was happening. I am not usually a person who makes hasty decisions but I was so excited that I could not wait this was a chance of a lifetime where I was finally going to meet this Woman who I very much look up to and I could not be more excited.

It was fabulous! The comedians in the show that opened for her was all hilarious, literally my face started hurting from laughing so much that by the end of the show I was too exhausted for facial expressions. There was music and the crowd was so lively that it really brought the whole experience the another level.

Wendy looked amazing in her romper!

(p.s) she is literally a twig in person
Lastly I finally got to meet her and I could not contain my excitement, even though the wait took a little while I didn't mind.
I literally had no words! All I kept saying was Thank you!
When I finally got up to meet her I said hello and of course "HOW YOU DOIN'?" she told me I had beautiful hair and I nearly lost my mind and she was just the most pleasant woman, she smelled so nice and was so beautiful in person and I think all her fabulousity really gets lost through the TV screen so meeting her really was the most amazing thing ever!

I will never forget all the fun I had in New Jersey this weekend meeting the Wonderful Wendy Williams!

How was your weekend? Have you ever met anyone famous?



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