Friday, January 2, 2015

Fabulous Festive Friday!

What an exciting holiday season this has been and it has really taught me how into the end of the year festivities I actually am! Christmas is my new favorite holiday! There are so many facets to it in my opinion and I am absolutely obsessed! I love the music and the decorations all the gift wrap, gift bags and not the mention the gifts! I love giving and getting them!

It all starts with the tree; which I had the pleasure of decorating 2 trees this year! Which I loved! 
This is how the Sidhu's do Christmas 

This is how BB does Christmas 

You can not fully get into the Christmas spirit in my opinion without Christmas music and all December long I am all about it! I received the Michael Bublé Christmas album as a present and I had it on repeat. #perfection. One of my favorite Christmas songs that I feel I did not get to hear enough of was Dominc the Donkey but here is it on YouTube so please enjoy on my behalf.

Lastly on top of getting to enjoy this wonderful holiday with my friends and family I received some wonderful gifts, and I hope they feel the same way about the gifts I gave them! 

I hope your Christmas season was as fabulous as mine! 

Happy New Year!
Happy Weekend!



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