Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Words on a Wednesday

I have been pretty much non existence to the rest of the world for the past week, due to being horribly ill. And because I had so much time on my hands just sitting in bed and resting, in hopes of becoming better. I was able to enjoy all the little things, like finally finishing The Andy Cohen Diaries which I LOVED!!!

 I got the book as a Christmas gift and I have to say it was one of the best gifts that I got. It made me excited to read again. I used to really enjoy reading when I was younger, in fact my dad and I used to go to the book store every weekend to pick up a new book for me. There are however so many excuses as to why we no longer get to enjoy the simple pleasures in our lives, like work, school, and any other thing that could possibly take time away from you.

Reading a book however I find fills that time with some real relaxation. It is a time when there is nothing else going on to distract you and you are in a world of your own that has been created by the words on the page.

I also assume at this point that you think that this book was some life changing novel that has made me put a new perspective on things but sadly you would be wrong, but also right I guess.

I LOVE ANDY COHEN. If Wendy Williams is my queen then the is my King. This book was perfect because it took me into another world and by that I mean the fabulous life he was living hob nobbing it with more famous people than you can even imagine to begin counting. The year that he chronicles is so funny and fabulous and just like the blurb that Sarah Jessica Parker writes on the back of the book in which she says the book leaves her wondering is Andy Cohen actually Carrie Bradshaw? I 100% agree with her. This was a roller coaster of a ride from him falling in love with his dog, to spending the most fabulous summer in Southampton. *Side note I NEED to go to Southampton ASAP* I felt reading this book that not only was I there with him living the luxe life but it felt like I was watching the reality TV that I love so much, of which he is the master mind behind.

I was addicted to Netflix but as soon as I picked up this book I literally started thinking when am I going to get home and be able to find out what Andy is up to now?

I would highly recommend this book if you are a Bravo addict like me and love Andy Cohen or if you just want a book that will take your mind off things and bring you to a funnier place.

 Hi, my name is Riya and I am a book abuser.

I literally ripped the cover off it, I need to love my books and there is no room for a flimsy cover!
Also those random colors on the book are smudges you know they happen. #life

What books are you loving right now?



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