Monday, April 6, 2015

Cape May Recap

I had a very interesting Easter Weekend BB and I went down to Cape May and it was quite the adventure there were definitely some high lights and then there were also some down falls as well.

*Disclaimer lots of pictures to follow!

We stayed at Lake Laurie in one of their Cabins which was really cute and nice. It was nicely tucked into the woods and so it was truly a getaway but there were some nice amenities.
 There was a double bed, kitchenette, dinning room table, flat screen TV, leather couch which also had a pull out mattress, a full bathroom, and a bunk bed not pictured.

While it was nice having these things the water was for sure a camping water and by that I mean you couldn't drink it or use it for domestic purposes. You could shower and all that but it was not an enjoyable experience because the water had a weird odor and I was so over it.

Our first stop after settling in was to the Cape May Winery  which was literally the cutest place! Its too bad that we went so early in the season and the vineyard wasn't fully blossomed but it was still really beautiful and I would love to visit again in the summer. Everyone who worked there was so nice and helpful especially our bartender Jerry who was so fun during our wine tasting. I learned more about wine from him than I ever needed to know and it was fabulous!

We did a little exploring on Sunday morning with our first stop being The Mad Batter for some brunch which was so delicious! Regrettably though I didn't take any pictures of it because we were so hungry that as soon as the food came we ate it all. I do have a tip however if you ever end up going GET THE PANCAKES! They were literally the most delicious pancakes I have ever had and just amazing! After brunch we explored downtown cape may which has the most beautiful Victorian houses lining the streets and most of them serve as Hotels, Inns, or B&B's. If I do return to Cape May I'm looking forward to staying in one of the charming houses.

Some of the shops were open and everyone was getting ready for the Summer season which I am pretty safe in assuming is the busiest time and I could totally tell that during the fall, winter, and spring months it is just a sleepy little town and that's pretty charming.
It's always important to pick up a gift for a friend

Since Sunday was such a beautiful day we strolled onto the beach which is GORGEOUS especially when you don't like near the Atlantic coast line. When you get  a chance to go to a beach that is actually by the Ocean you really enjoy it. All the beaches in Connecticut are pretty rocky and so the walking around in the sand is not the most fun, but Jersey beaches are perfect.

A fleeting moment captured 

We rounded out the day by attempting to fish and enjoy the afternoon by the Lake.

There is no such thing as too many monograms!

Finally for dinner we stopped by the Oyster Bay which was a cute restaurant located right in town. The service was fabulous shout out to our waiter! Dinner was very good BB got the duck which was delicious I was not a fan of the sauce but according to BB the duck was cooked perfectly. I ordered the steak and crab, which has been their number 1 seller according to their menu for 17 years. Here is how I feel about it the steak was pretty good I didn't like the sauce it was a Bearnaise sauce of which I am not a fan and I don't like crab either so I gave it to BB but the my steak was cooked well and seasoned appropriately and my veggies and mashed potatoes were pretty good :).

Overall it was a nice trip and fun to get away but through this whole experience I have learned something about myself and that is that I am a Lady of Luxury and I don't think I will be staying in any more cabins any time soon. It will be all hotels and not motels in a our travels from here on out.

I would recommend a trip to Cape May for the weekend but be prepared for a tourist city!

Stay tuned for a post on my traveling tips!

Happy Monday!


Friday, April 3, 2015

Fabulous Fiesta Friday

So I am kind of obsessed with South Western food and there are no shortage of great places that are opening up in the area that are serving up any kind of burrito, taco combination that you could desire. It is because of this interest that my quest has brought me to a new Mexican style restaurant in the area Salsa Fresca. The restaurant opened just a couple weeks ago not to far from my house and I have already made a visit but for take out and it was good so I have ventured back tonight with some dining companions.

The decor and menu are pretty welcoming which is nice and there are lots of different options to choose from even vegetarian so that really makes it accessible for all people which I appreciate. I'm all about inclusion.

We ordered ground beef tacos on the hard shell and the soft shell. They did not disappoint as they were fresh and made to order so quickly. The staff is very accommodating. I was able to try the shredded beef which tasted like pulled pork to me, so in the end I ended up with my favorite ground beef. Also it is important to note that the salsa that is given to you for FREE with chips is AMAZING! It literally is so fresh and I could not get enough of it!

Literally so good there was nothing left #sorrynotsorry

Final thoughts.

Overall it was a wonderful evening with friends that turned out into a spontaneous night wandering all around the Danbury area, which are sometimes the best nights! My dining companion and I have decided that we are now fans of Salsa Fresca and we will be returning the next time we are having an LTF outing. It is a welcome addition to the area because now we don't have to drive 30 minutes away to another favorite Mexican dinning option.

Have any favorite restaurants? Leave your recommendations in the comments! Have a good weekend!