Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Movies Watch List

I know it may seem strange that this is my second post about movies, but I promise you that I am not that big of a movie buff but I have just realized how excited I am for the month of June just because of the movies that I want to see. I think going to the movies during the summer is one of the only things that I consistently do every year summer after summer. As I wrote about in my last blog I went to go see X-Men: Days of Future Past the other night and I enjoyed it, but there are SO many movies coming out next month that I want to see that I don't even know how I am going to fit them all in! Here is a list of my must see movies in June!

22 Jump Street
Who doesn't love a little Channing Tatum in the summer?
How To Train Your Dragon 2
I am a little obsessed with Toothless (Cutest Dragon)
Think Like A Man Too
I have been waiting for this sequel for a while and can't wait to see Wendy Williams make a cameo!
Transformers: Age of Extinction
I love an action movie, and I have a strange obsession to transformers now thanks to BB ;)

I'm sure there will be other movies to come but I just can't think of them! Summer time is the best time for movies in my opinion because you always have the block busters that everyone goes to see and there is something so universal about going to the movies with your friends and having those late summer nights! 

A few things that I would like to mention about this post are though, the real reason why I decided to write it is because I am literally so irritated by the trailers for Maleficent; first of all the music the plays freaks me out beyond anything else. I literally can't stand it! Also I am not a fan of Angelina Jolie, and that is putting it nicely so I am annoyed when I see her face and the whole thing just kinds of creeps me out. I will find out the plot line for the movie none the less, because I am one of those people who need to know that happens in the end. If you have seen a movie or read a book that I haven't and I know that I have no interested in pursing I want to know that happens in the end. It's just one of my weird quirks and sometimes people just don't understand it, but it's okay!

Last thing I want to mention is about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they are really on my mind today because of some jokes that were exchanged between friends and family today and I realized how excited I am to watch the movie! I think I have been an undercover TMNT fan since forever but never really realized it. I still remember playing their video game on the original Nintendo when I was a little kid with my cousin! I love the turtles and the fact that we share the love for pizza makes them that much better super hero's in my eyes! So I know what I will be doing in August!

What movie are you most excited to see this summer? What's you favorite season for movie watching?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Out and about on a Tuesday?!

I think weekday outings are highly under rated. Going out on the weekends is a fun time and can be exciting, but going out when no one else is out brings a great sense of closeness and excitement I think. With that being said I had quite the evening tonight. Tuesday night happenings will hopefully become a thing!

 I went to go see X-Men: Days of Future Past , and I have to say that I kind of enjoyed it. This was the first ever X-Men movie that I have ever gone to see as well as the only X-Men movie that I have watched in it's entirety, which led to me having a lot of questions, but luckily I had an expert on all things with me and was able to help me through the movie so I wasn't too lost. It is definitely an adventure going to the movies with me because I can say that it is not for the faint of heart. I ask a lot of questions, talk way too much and get way to emotionally invested to the point that I am holding on to the seat for dear life during the climaxes of movies. I'm not the biggest movie goer just because I get a little freaked out when there are too many people in a theater and anxiety sets in, but going on a Tuesday in the early afternoon, is the perfect situation. Not to mention that at my local theater Tuesday Nights are senior discount nights so I got to be with my people (I'm really and old lady a heart not as young and hip as I may seem). Back to the movie however it was good, it seemed kind of long but I think that's because I didn't really know what was going on for a little while, I enjoyed the way the story progressed and getting to see the character development in terms of how they were when they were younger as opposed to how they were when they were older. I don't want to give anything away but I was very happy with the end of the movie and of course we stayed until the very end of the credits because it is a Marvel movie after all and part of the fun of going to see a Marvel movie is the teaser at the end of it.

 Tuesday's are for private screenings only (obviously)

 Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

After the movie it was time for dinner and it seemed like the perfect night to try some place new. Obviously Tuesday's are the it day for adventuring! There is a new restaurant that has opened in the area Mazzo and it was definitely a treat. There are a lot of Italian restaurants in the area so there is no shortage if you are in the mood for Italian but I would say that Mazzo is a nice change of pace. The menu is typical of most Italian restaurants but one of the things that I loved was that they serve all their drinks in wine glasses! I am a sucker for a drink in a wine glass and the fact that I got to use them in public literally made my night. (It's the little things.) The wait staff was very friendly and pretty attentive the owner also came around and checked on us, but the only thing however was that he wasn't very forward when introducing himself, he just kind of said "How's everything?" and then walked away. The food was good which is nice for a newer restaurant because I feel like the food at newer establishments can be really hit or miss, because they are either good because it's new or it's bad because it's new and they have no idea what they are doing, so let's hope that they keep up the good work. I think Mazzo will do well despite that it's kind of  in an obscure place but there is definitely a lot of traffic in the area and hopefully that pays of! I think we'll being going back soon maybe to try some of the pizza's they have, I know I was eying the Filet Mignon pizza (two of my favorite things combined in one!)

 I love an etched glass!

 Meatballs in a fresh tomato sauce (absolutely fabulous)

 Roasted Beets and Fennel Salad (perfect summer side salad)

 Penne Alla Vodka with Shrimp (Always a favorite dish of mine)

Lobster Ravioli (for my dinner companion)

What would your perfect Tuesday night be like? I think mine would most definitely include Pretty Little Liars which is back in 14 days and I am fan girling so hard!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sweet Summer

Sometimes taking a break from the everyday hustle and bustle can be exactly what you need. I look forward to summer for a couple of reasons I love the long nights and the exciting trips mostly. Most people know me for my exciting trips and spontaneous weekends. I am very lucky to not have to work Sunday's or Mondays and so I have a 2 day weekend that lasts a little longer than most and it's a nice feeling. This weekend was very eventful and sometimes that's exactly what you need. Stepping out of my comfort zone COMPLETELY, I went camping! We went to Hammonasset Beach State Park  Connecticut and it was my first time there as well as my first time camping out in the wilderness. To be completely honest though it was a really nice camp site and a 2 minute walk to this beautiful beach, and we had great camping neighbors who made it a fabulous experience. I think this has made me a little more fond of my adventurous side and I think I actually want to go camping again soon! There are a couple of things I would change though just to make the experience even more enjoyable. Here is my list of camping must haves for a glamorous time!

  1. An air mattress ( we didn't have one and it made for a very lumpy night)
  2. Fire pit (the campsite we went to allowed for an open fire like this because it was containable)
  3. Last but not least FRIENDS (the company you keep can really make or break not only your trip but everyday life as well)
Here are some pictures of the GLAMping experience (Glamorous Camping)

I love a good monogram while grilling

After leaving the such a serene place we went shopping as the outlets were pretty close and because it was memorial day weekend there were some really great deals! My favorite deals were the ones at Old Navy,and  after a long afternoon of shopping you need an satisfying meal. We stopped by "The Place" restaurant in Guilford CT. It has been somewhere that I have been wanting to go since last year and I am so excited that I finally got to go what an experience, it was the true essence of outdoor dining and it was fabulous! I can't wait to go back and be more prepared as far as what to expect. It was a learning experience and I now know what I can do to make it even better!

this is what you can expect when dining at the place! Too cute!

Lastly today was a perfect summer day. The weather was awesome and it really left me with a feeling of excitement for what the rest of the summer will bring. My parents bought a grill so I'm excited for that to be up and running so that I can have summer cookouts, that is definitely  something that is on my summer to do list which I will post at a later date. My mom also helped kick off summer in the best possible way it's  a summer tradition in my family and that was  making  Mango Lassi's which are a sweet smoothie like drink that is very popular in the Indian community. If you go to an Indian restaurant and they have it on their menu I recommend that you order it and savor the flavor because it is amazing! You can also make it home and there are many recipes online you can follow but one of my favorites  is this one.

 Mango Lassi = Sweet Summer

Cheers to a fabulous summer!