Friday, August 29, 2014

Fabulous Finds Friday!

Welcome to the end of another wonderful week! Although I love bringing you all the fabulous finds that I have found in fashion as well as other areas of life sometimes it is important to just sit back relax and take some time for yourself! The most important thing in your life should always be yourself because if you can't take care of you then you will not be able to give the best of yourself to others. Along with many things that you can do to make you feel better and happier about yourself and life I would like to share with you the 3 things that I am obsessed with this week and how they really help me, be the best me!

First off I have a confession to make I am the worst, worst, worst person when it comes to hydrating and I feel like I have gone days without drinking water! I know this is literally the worst thing ever but I promise that I have gotten a million times better at that and I think that it greatly because of my CamelBak! I love drinking out of straw and because drinking out of this is more fun than a regular water bottle I am more likely to use it because I don't have to worry about it leaking all over the place or getting all busted. I love it and as per the usual I can not wait to add my monogram on it ;)

The best drinking accessory
Second thing that I like to do to help my feel refreshed and like I am giving my best face to the world ;) is to use Herbalism. Not only do I love using Lush products because I have very sensitive skin and it does not irritate it but I also like that they are hand made products that are not shipped out to any big box store so I know if I have questions there will be someone there who can answer them for me or if I have an issue there is always someone there to assist. I also like that the product is 100% natural!

Lastly the best way to relax is with some aromatherapy. I am literally OBSESSED with this Eucalyptus Spearmint scent. I have it in a lotion, shower gel, hand cream, and a pocket sized hand sanitizer! (like I said obsessed) It has the most amazing smell and it's kind of refreshing as well like the label says apply and take a deep breath!

I hope you enjoyed all my fabulous finds and I also hope some of these products help you relax and make the most out of your holiday weekend!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back to school means back to PLANNING!

I have an obsession with planners otherwise know as academic agendas. I think they are the best tool to keep your self organized and a little bit more sophisticated than just putting everything into your phones calendar. A lady does not pull out her phone every other moment to check to see where she is going with her life.

Although I am not going back to school this fall I am still fully utilizing my planner that I purchased last winter and it goes until December of 2014!

Behold my Erin Condren Planner
The only life planner that you will ever need!

What I love about my planner is that is shows you the whole month at a glance at first and then when you turn the page it has the days of the week separated by morning, day, and night. This is super helpful for anyone because it does not mean that you need to separate everything by class or just the day of the week! 

The planner is a little pricey as it ends up being over $50 once you are done customizing it and adding on some of the cute things that the website offers but I have to say that it is all worth it in the end and if you think about it, that is only about $4 a month!

If you are looking to spend a little less money to spend to help you get organized for this school year I suggest going to Barnes & Noble they have a lot of cute options at very affordable prices! Like this super cute Elephant one 
So cute and fashionable!

I hope this post has made you a little more excited to go back to school! If you have any of your favorite planners you want to share leave me a comment below!

Planning and Posting one day at a time! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Minding your money: financially fit

I want to share with you something that I feel is super important but not a lot of people are talking about and that is money! First of all let me start off by saying that I am no financial guru and am just a struggling post grad like most people! The only reason I have this on my mind though is because one of my New Years resolution for this year was to become financially fit, and with only roughly four months left in the year the pressure to keep the promise to myself is becoming unreal.

All of my anxieties aside I hope this blog post can help you get on a strong financial path for your fiscal future!

My first tip is to get all of your accounts into one place and you can do that a couple of ways but one of the tools that I use and absolutely love is Mint is it a free website/app that can help you set budgets as well as give you a grand scope of all the money you have accessible as well as the debt that you have.
  • Budgeting: it's a great tool to use because this way you can see how much money you have and then divide it up amongst your different categories like shopping, gas, coffee shops, as well as groceries and you can even create your own categories; for example I had a category for my sorority so that I could track and see how much money I was spending on all the little things and in the end they were really adding up. 
Next tip is to get all of your financial information as well because you can be fiscally fabulous if you don't have all the facts. The best way to do this is to get a copy of your CREDIT REPORT! You as a consumer are entitled to have access to your credit report from all three of the major credit unions once a year. The best way to take advantage of this is by to get one from each bureau every 3 months! 

  • Make sure that the first time you are hit with your credit report is not when you are getting denied for a credit card, trying to purchase a car, or when you are applying for a mortgage. There should be no surprises to you and if there is anything that is questionable make sure that you contact the bureau and get more information. I had a discrepancy on one of my reports and I contacted the bureau and they removed it and it was as simple as picking up the phone and the result was a positive impact on my credit!
  • Please note; this is not a site that will give you your credit score! It just gives you all the information like the accounts you have open as well as the money you owe and payment history!
 The next thing that I have done to help get myself on the financially fit path is to get all of my past credit card statements so that I can put into perspective all the places that my money has gone. I am a visual person who needs to make sure that I can see exactly where all my money has gone and with that requesting previous statements from credit card companies dated back five years has really helped me. 
  • Tip: Financial institutions are required to keep your financial records for the past 7 years so you can get your statements as far back as that!
Lastly, I am now trying so hard to budget my money so that I can enjoy the fruits of my labor but it is hard. I have come out of all of this with a little more piece of mind in that I know what I can and can not spend and I know how to spend responsibly or at least I hope so!

I hope this has helped you and has inspired you to become financially fit as well! If you have any questions or tips of your own I would love to hear them! 


*I am by no means a financial expert and have only shared my personal experience and tips. There was no compensation given for the links shared in this post, or opinions stated.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fabulous Finds Friday!

Happy Weekend! I know I haven't posted a lot this week but I have been busy tying up some lose ends and looking into how to make some changes on the blog as well as how to make it a more enjoyable experience for you the reader! During my free time though I did have a few minutes to obsess over some things this week so I could share them with you for Fabulous Finds Friday!

First off I just purchased this book How To Live Like A Lady and I have so enjoyed reading it. I felt like I needed to pick up a good book to read for the summer and I think this is the perfect way to ease me back into reading for enjoyment! I love learning new things about manners and just social etiquette because I think these are valuable lessons and I can't wait to share some in future posts!

What a cute cover!

Next up is the Sock Bun! I know it's been around for a while but I feel like I needed one in my life so bad! I just think it is so cute and classy, plus I got really tired of having my hair up in a hot mess express bun and now I can look more put together! 
Hot mess express hair no more!

And this week I have been on a fall fashion kick and I'm thinking of all the things I want to add to my wardrobe and what's the top of my list is riding boots of course! So If you have any suggestions of your favorite riding boots please share because literally all of my recent browsing history has to do with boots and there are so many temptations!
Books or Boots Suggestions? Leave a comment! 
Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monogram Monday!

I LOVE MONOGRAMS! Literally there is nothing more perfect than owning something with your initials on it, in my opinion. It it because of my some what new found love of monograms that I have decided to dedicate a post to all things that I own with my monogram and am currently dying to have! I wish a gift giving holiday was coming up so I would have a reason to receive all of them :(. Until then here are all my favorite things!

First of all lets talk about the most perfect graduation gift from BB! I literally died when I got these and I could not have been happier! 
Everybody needs weekend luggage so get to it people! 

Not only do I love to carry my monogram around I love to wear it! This is a fabulous navy long sleeve that I bought in march so I really haven't been able to enjoy it to it's full potential but I can not wait until fall! I will be wearing it everyday #sorrynotsorry

Before all the navy and white it was all about the Purple Monogram and I have no regrets! These will forever be my favorites <3

 Last but not least my graduation cap! I loved how it looked so simple and classic and it was such a nice touch to help make graduation a little more special. 

Now for my favorite part all the things that I NEED IN MY LIFE!

These hats are just too fresh
For all the exciting summer adventures

  No outfit is finished without the perfect sunnies! 

 A monogrammed clutch bag is a must have for fall and I will not rest until I have one!

Lastly this is the perfect everyday accessory and I the one item I am coveting the most!

What's your favorite wardrobe item? Are you a lover of monograms like I am? Leave your comments below!



Friday, August 1, 2014

Fabulous Finds Friday!

This week I was all about expanding my wardrobe and taking some risks as far as my everyday fashion goes and I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. The first item that I decided to invest in were some bright pink ankle pants and they were a
hit! I was a little apprehensive at first but I think that my wardrobe was really in need of a pop of color. I also want to mention that these pants compliment my 100 navy tops perfectly so it was a win win all around, plus I got them on clearance so that made the purchase even more justified!

My other favorite purchase this week were my navy blue flats with the pointy toes! I don't have any pointed shoes so this was a really daring move for me but now that I have a pair I think I am a fan! They are so cute and versatile, you can dress them up for a night out of keep it cute and casual at the office or out running errands! As I mentioned before about my 100 navy tops I now have shoes to match them which makes me happy beyond belief! I also bought some skinny khaki pants for work which I love because number one they are so comfortable and number two khaki is the perfect compliment to navy I'm obsessed ! Lastly, I thought it was time to dress up my nails a little bit so I finally broke out Mint Candy Apple by Essie, which I have been dying to use and I think it is the perfect hue to start the send off of summer!

Fabulous Finds Friday 1 

One last thing! I got all these items on sale! So make sure you go check out all the fabulous finds this weekend!

What's your favorite late summer purchase? 

Happy August! XOXO-RPO1