Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Festive Fall Fashion

The holiday season is upon us and I for one could not be more excited. I literally die every time I go into store decked out in holiday decor because I just want it ALL! I have however started planning out the outfits that will be musts for some upcoming festivities that are on the calendar. I thought that sharing them would also help inspire you if you are not ready to take the plunge on your holiday wardrobe.

I recently went shopping to pick up a few things and while perusing racks of clothing I kept finding myself being drawn to picking up everything Navy! I mean I am all about that Navy or nothing lifestyle but I think I've taken it too far because when I look in my closet I see nothing but a sea of dark blues. So I have made it my mission to not buy any more clothing items in navy. (wish me luck) I need to diversify my bonds if you will. So without further adieu here are some pieces that I am using for holiday inspiration.

Fall Fashion

These looks are all really about the fact that I need some fun fall dresses like the one from NY&CO. for my professional life and I love that it had pockets! Which by the way who doesn't love a dress with pockets!

I also have a couple cocktail parties coming up and I wanted to do something a little more fun for them away from the typical LBD because sometimes you can get lost in a sea of black so it is nice to stand out. So I've already started looking for gold sequin dresses and here's hoping I find one as cute as the one pictured. As far as those heels go they are a little high for my liking because I look like a baby giraffe trying to navigate in a heel that high but I do like the gold accent on them. So I may do a understated shoe to go with the dress.

Last but not least you need a go to comfy outfit! This t-shirt is seasonally spot on but I will probably need to pair it with a long cardigan because apparently all the people I tend to hang out with don't believe in turning on the heat :(. Keeping your feet warm is especially necessary! These Uggs are just too cute and what better way is there to just lounge around on the weekend. I also live in old navy leggings, they are my favorite so that was a no-brainer.

I hope you enjoyed a little look into my fall weather wardrobe. If I find anything else inspiring I will for sure share!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Traveling tips and troubles

I love to travel! I think my one of my favorite things is packing and getting ready to start a new adventure. Now that beautiful fall weather  is upon us I am ready to pack my bags and hit the road for all the weekend travels that await. There are some things however that can really ruin any trip so here are some tips for the troubles you may encounter while exploring.

1. Make sure you have enough CASH on you weather it be for the traveling expenses or to tip someone or for my worst enemy: tolls...

2. Check the weather. I have been delightfully surprised by weather and then other time there have been occasions where the weather has ruined the whole outing. Also realize how temperatures relate to your location. For example when you are going to the park 68/70 degrees may seem perfect...but if you are at the beach with G force winds coming at you! DON'T DO IT!

3. Make sure that you have snacks on you at all time, especially if you are going on a road trip to some far off land you will  run into someone getting HANGRY so make sure you have little snack and maybe even pack a cooler of drinks. You can never have too many snacks :)

4. Knowing you accommodations is a big part of any trip. I personally perfer hotels with a 3 star rating or above which will take a great chunk out of the travel budget but really I think it's worth having a clean bed and bathroom #sorrynotsorry. Don't take this as if I have never stayed anywhere else I have stayed in cabins in the woods which was an interesting experience very quaint you can read more about it here. I also have stayed at a motel which wasn't the worst thing due to the location and type of accommodations. I have also stayed in tiny run down hotels in NYC. So my suggestion is figure out what kind of place you feel most comfortable in and make sure you do research so you can get the best price because we all love a good deal! Just another tip if your planning a trip far enough in advance don't forget to check groupon and such cause I've seen some good promotions on there.

5. Choosing the right traveling companions I think will really make or break a trip. I've been on great trips with not such great company and it's ruined the experience and soured the memories. BB is my ride or die when is comes to traveling so bless his heart. I haven't taken too many trips with my friends but I know that when we do travel together it's a really good idea to be transparent about your intentions and plans for the trip as well as MONEY! When everyone talks about these things openly it can only help to make sure that everyone has the best time possible.

I'm currently gearing up for a trip to Lake George this weekend which I am SO EXCITED about! I will post a recap when I get back and I hope you have an exciting weekend planned! 

P.S let me know if you have any other  travel tips or troubles!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


First of all I want to start off saying that I am so happy that I am finally able to blog again. I had to take a forced hiatus for a while which was so annoying because, my computer literally died and came back to life a dozen or so times. Because of that I have some trust issues and I couldn't bring myself to deal with technology. So with this post I am slowly dipping my toes into the internet/ technological waters again. Although I have still been using my phone #duh, but there is something just so wonderful about listening to the tapping of fingers on a key board. 

Pretty much I guess I will just catch you up on what has been going on for the past month or so. I did a little bit of lite summer travel as well as exploring nothing too crazy though. I got a new job because #schoolloans. Blame it on the Man, that's why I haven't been able to post much because I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I have also become a part time personal driver, so if you need me call me 😆. Other than these couple of things not much has changed. I have realized however that because I spend so much time during the day working I have a lot of time to think and while thinking I come up with so many ideas and thoughts to share with my lovely readers. So just you wait and see.

Tomorrow I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out part deux so since I will be bed ridden I will have even more time to compile blog posts!

I'm excited to be back and look forward to the adventures to come. Have a fabulous hump day.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Fabulous Finds Friday: The Recipe for Adventure

Another long period of time that we have been away from each other! I'm not even sure where the month of June went but the Summer is moving so quickly and it's so important that we savor every second of it. Especially us that live in the North East because before we know it that season that shall not be named will be looming...

So on to brighter things that will help you enjoy the Summer!

I was recently gifted a package from some girlfriends of mine who are on the verge of the next gold mine in terms of creating the next great subscription box. If you may or may not know Subscription based services and goods are all the rage right now and they make excellent gifts as well as great ways to start something new.

Let me introduce you to The Recipe for Adventure box. 

First of all I was so excited when I received this in the mail. It is so full of things that I just wanted to tear it apart but first always gotta take a good picture for the Insta #duh. Included in this box as you see pictured above are a patch and sewing kit to help start your patch collection that will build as you follow along on the adventure. There is also a pencil and super handy note pad that can be used to take notes or write down really anything and who doesn't love a good stationary set? The best part of the box is the tote bag that was included this month which is what I am going to start my patch collection on. I am a bag lady and I'm not sorry about it so I will wear my bad and patch with pride.

I am so excited to see what other things The Recipe for Adventure box will add to my life. Thank you to Lexy and Savannah for being geniuses and starting this wonderful venture and including me in it!

Currently the box is in a beta stage and not available to everyone but it will be shortly and then all can join in on this Adventure

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is Monday night TV the place to be?

There are not many things that I am truly passionate about but it is something that I am working one. I do however love TV. I used to watch more as just a filler but now I live and die for my favorite characters? Between the hours of 8pm-11pm you would be hard pressed to find me doing something besides watching my favorite shows. I would say that move overall favorite TV day would have been Tuesday because I am a crazy Pretty Little Liars fan #sorrynotsorry but Tuesdays are only destination TV days when the show is in season. So when the TV is on for just basic filling time it's usually on Bravo because like I have said before Andy Cohen is my king and I love him. Bravo overall I am addicted to 80% of their programming. Other than that though I live on Bravo. So I was at first not thrilled about a comedic scripted series being added to the line up but let me be the first to tell you if you don't already know this show is just too fabulous!

Odd Mom Out is the place to be on Monday nights. It is cast perfectly and it's very real housewives-ish but it takes it to a whole other level. I have already watched the first 3 episodes and I can't wait until next week. Also on another note who could not use a laugh on a Monday night.

Another show that I am really into that I did not think I would like is UnReal on Lifetime. I am all about good reality TV but I don't watch reality dating shows that come on basic cable like 'The Bachelor' it's not my cup of the tea but I do know that millions of people are really into it and that's why it's been on for so long -_-. Moving on though UnReal is pretty much the behind the scenes of that kind of show or really any reality show for that matter but I refuse to believe that all the drama my girls on the Real Housewives go through is not REAL! #LOL. UnReal however is really intriguing and just something interesting to watch so I'm into it.

I'm so excited about these 2 shows being on Monday Nights cause this way I have time to fill the day before Pretty Little Liars day ;)

Are there any shows that you are obsessed with? Let me know leave a comment!
Happy Watching 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Fabulous Finds Friday! YouTube

This weeks Fabulous Finds Friday is all about yours truly!


My first video is a product review on all the items I received from Influenster. I first posted that review on Fabulous Finds Friday: Bella VoxBox.

I have been wanting to make YouTube videos for a while but this was really what I needed to get started so I'm really excited to start on that journey as well. I also feel like I am better in live action than I am through the written word but you be the judge of that! Leave me a comment letting me know what you like better or what kind of things you would like to see me post about on YouTube! I will still be blogging though I am not giving up on that I am just exploring another avenue to give you the best of Riyapartyofone.

Watch the video below :)


Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

1 year of blogging!?

Hello people!

I am very excited to share with you the fact that I have been blogging for 1 year as of today! Happy Blogging anniversary to me! It's been a pretty fun past year and I'm so glad that I was able to share some wonderful moments with you! I am planning so many more exciting things for the blog coming soon! I can't wait to share those with you either. In the last year however I think my biggest feat has been that I am officially RIYAPARTYOFONE.COM now. I feel very official now that I have a real domain name. I hope you have enjoyed following along with my life this past year and I hope you stick around to see what else is coming.

Xoxo- RPO1

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

#Spring4Wine on a Wednesday

Wine Wednesdays are totally a thing right? Well all of my friends would agree with me on this matter. I believe that there is never a wrong time to engage in wine time. To assist in this process Influenster has sent me a promo code for Club W to share with all of you so you can get Wine Wednesday off on the right foot. Club W is a subscription service that prompts you to take a survey to find out what your tastes are. After imputing your likes and dislikes it then uses that information to suggest different wines. If you choose them then 3 different bottles will be sent to you monthly. Thanks to Influenster you get your first bottle gratis with the purchase of 2 bottles! As the weather gets warmer and the urge to dine Al Fresco become realer and realer, the only thing that is missing is the perfect glass of wine!

 Promo code: Spring4Wine

*I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekened Wind Down: Chocolate Crescents

It's finally feeling like spring and the weather is consistently great. The flowers are in bloom and I am always looking forward to the weekend. This weekend was chocked full of good food, friends and adventures. The highlight though had to be baking with BB because obviously Sunday's are for baking so stay tuned for more Sunday Funday recipes. This weekend we made Chocolate Crescents the recipe we used was found off Pinterest which can be a little iffy. Tell me you have seen those #Pinterestfails. Thankfully this worked out and I can't wait to make them again. They are literally the perfect sweet treat to bring over a friends or to any fabulous brunch.


You will need 3 ingredients! 
Chocolate Chips
Crescent Rolls
1 egg

 Unroll the crescent dough, and add about 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips. You can add more if you want or less. Pictured above is 1 tablespoon. Then you need to roll the dough from the wider end towards the tip. 

First ever GIF on RPO1 is a success!

Once you have rolled all of the crescents then place them on a cookie sheet and this is when the egg comes in handy. You want to baste the crescents with the beaten egg so that they can have a nice golden brown color when they come out of the oven.

These have been basted with the egg,

Out of the oven and looking beautifully golden brown!

While the rolls are in the oven it is a perfect time to melt your chocolate chips for the chocolate drizzle. The original recipe calls for microwaving the chocolate chips but I don't like putting in chocolate in the microwave because I feel like more times than not it comes out tasting burnt. So we created a double boiler of sorts and melted the chocolate in a heat resistant bowl over boiling water.

 Then to distribute the chocolate I put it in a sandwich bag and cut the tip off, sort of like a pastry bag

Obviously I am professional decorator ;)

Then just let them cool and enjoy all of the deliciousness! 

Happy Eating!

P.S look out for a new layout later this week!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fabulous Finds Friday: Bella VoxBox

This Fabulous Finds Friday post is brought you by Influenster. I recently signed us for Influenster and today I am going to share with you the products and promotions they have sent my way.

Just to give you some background, Influenster is a community of people who love to review products and share their opinions with others through their social media channels. Once you sign up you take a couple surveys about your likes and dislikes and then you connect your social media. It is all pretty simple, quick and easy. Bonus you get free stuff which is always amazing and what's great about the products they send you is that it is a chance for you to get turned on to new brands as well as new products on the market.

I first want to get into the make up/ beauty products that I was sent because as of late this is definitely something that I have gained more interest in, so I was really excited to try everything and make sure that I could give you guys my real opinion on things!

First up is the Rimmel Scandaleyes Mascara by Kate Moss, now this is a new product that I was probably the most excited about initially because, I have been looking for a new mascara and this was what I thought was going to be a God send. A couple of things I really liked about the Mascara is the packaging I think it is eye catching and different. The mascara wand itself it also very nice because it has a winged shape to it which helps to lift and separate the lashes. However the mascara itself is not the greatest quality. I found that through the day the mascara fell and left a more than a little black under my eyes which I was not thrilled about. So the product itself did not wow me.

Another product by Rimmel is the Lasting Finish  Lipstick by Kate Moss. Initially I was taken back by the color just because it is something that is out of my comfort zone. I am definitely someone who  enjoys a much more neutral color palette, but I am intrigued by bolder colors as well. This was a perfect opportunity to try it out and so when I put the lipstick on for the first time I was impressed with how smoothly it went on and how nicely the color pops. I don't know if it is the right color for me but it does have a very vibrant hue. I do have to say that it is important to blot your lips a couple of times after your initial application. The color comes off pretty easily which is good for sealing things with a kiss, but probably not the best thing for your latte. So it is not the most long lasting of lipsticks but is a feasible option if your are in a pinch for some lip color. I personally prefer lip gloss to lipstick so unfortunately I was not impressed.

 Lets talk beauty tools shall we? I am obsessed with this EcoTools Complexion Collection Mattifying Finish Brush. This brush is best used with a pressed or loose power foundation. I use both so it works well for me. I have been interested in trying EcoTools for a while but unfortunately I am too cheap to take the plunge myself, so I was elated when I received a brush from Influenster. Well let me tell you the EcoTools brush is well worth the money! This is the most soft brush that I have used and it holds the powder so well so applying the makeup is a breeze. The design on the brush is beautiful, it's easy to clean and everyone needs these brushes in their make up bags!

I am not someone who does a lot with her hair. I do not really fuss over it, as I am very lucky to have low maintenance hair. However we all get lazy and don't always want to wash it or maybe want to keep it styled for just a little longer. Not Your Mothers Déjà Vu 'Du style extender is a great tool to help keep your hair looking fabulous a little longer than it normally would have. I used it in my hair to see if it really worked in repelling dirt and oil, and I am here to report it does a pretty good job. I like the way it works but I do not think it will be something that I will adding into my everyday beauty routine for 1 specific reason. I can't stand the smell of it. The scent is red apples and berries and it really just smells super chemically. The smell lingers on your hands after application. If it came in a different scent than I would love it for lazy Sundays when I never want to do my hair. I do have to mention that it doesn't weigh your hair down so that is an obvious bonus. So if you are someone who would enjoy this scent and are looking for something to extend your style then I highly recommend this! If you are like me and lead with your nose than this may not be the best product for you.

The last beauty product that came in my Bella VoxBox was the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs. I had never used a leg makeup or a self tanner before so this was really something that was completely foreign to me. I have to say though that it really does work well. With summer right around the corner and the weather getting warmer and warmer everyday it's time to break out the shorts, skirts, and dresses. The only problem with that is the pale, pasty legs we have all been hiding under our yoga pants all winter :|. Have no fear though ladies this is the perfect thing to give you that fabulous sun kissed glow. It comes in 5 different shades to help match lots of different skin tones. It goes on pretty well and does not rub off. I applied mine with my hands and it did stain my palms a little bit but washed right off with some soap and water. I think the best way to apply would be with a beauty blender if you have one but if not it's okay too! So if you are like me and have never tried leg makeup but are ready to debut your legs this spring than this is the perfect option for you!

The most perfect ending to the VoxBox was the Dove Fruit. Blueberries covered in Dark Dove chocolate, could there be a more perfect combination? I have never been a fan on dark chocolate but this has completely changed my feelings, there is no bitter taste like I have experienced with other dark chocolates. So bravo Dove, bravo!  I loved the Dove Fruit and I say loved because the package is long gone, it was to good not to finish. They make the perfect afternoon pick me up, or a real sweet midnight snack when you are having a chocolate craving. I can not wait to go buy a pack for myself they are amazing and everyone needs to try them! You can also find chocolate covered raspberries so take your pick and indulge you will not regret it!

I hope you enjoyed learning about all the things in my #BellaVoxBox! If you want to sign up for Influesnster click the link! You won't regret that either ;)

Happy Weekend!

P.s I have one more thing from my Bella VoxBox I want to share with you so stay tuned!

* All opinions are my own*
*I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes*

Monday, April 6, 2015

Cape May Recap

I had a very interesting Easter Weekend BB and I went down to Cape May and it was quite the adventure there were definitely some high lights and then there were also some down falls as well.

*Disclaimer lots of pictures to follow!

We stayed at Lake Laurie in one of their Cabins which was really cute and nice. It was nicely tucked into the woods and so it was truly a getaway but there were some nice amenities.
 There was a double bed, kitchenette, dinning room table, flat screen TV, leather couch which also had a pull out mattress, a full bathroom, and a bunk bed not pictured.

While it was nice having these things the water was for sure a camping water and by that I mean you couldn't drink it or use it for domestic purposes. You could shower and all that but it was not an enjoyable experience because the water had a weird odor and I was so over it.

Our first stop after settling in was to the Cape May Winery  which was literally the cutest place! Its too bad that we went so early in the season and the vineyard wasn't fully blossomed but it was still really beautiful and I would love to visit again in the summer. Everyone who worked there was so nice and helpful especially our bartender Jerry who was so fun during our wine tasting. I learned more about wine from him than I ever needed to know and it was fabulous!

We did a little exploring on Sunday morning with our first stop being The Mad Batter for some brunch which was so delicious! Regrettably though I didn't take any pictures of it because we were so hungry that as soon as the food came we ate it all. I do have a tip however if you ever end up going GET THE PANCAKES! They were literally the most delicious pancakes I have ever had and just amazing! After brunch we explored downtown cape may which has the most beautiful Victorian houses lining the streets and most of them serve as Hotels, Inns, or B&B's. If I do return to Cape May I'm looking forward to staying in one of the charming houses.

Some of the shops were open and everyone was getting ready for the Summer season which I am pretty safe in assuming is the busiest time and I could totally tell that during the fall, winter, and spring months it is just a sleepy little town and that's pretty charming.
It's always important to pick up a gift for a friend

Since Sunday was such a beautiful day we strolled onto the beach which is GORGEOUS especially when you don't like near the Atlantic coast line. When you get  a chance to go to a beach that is actually by the Ocean you really enjoy it. All the beaches in Connecticut are pretty rocky and so the walking around in the sand is not the most fun, but Jersey beaches are perfect.

A fleeting moment captured 

We rounded out the day by attempting to fish and enjoy the afternoon by the Lake.

There is no such thing as too many monograms!

Finally for dinner we stopped by the Oyster Bay which was a cute restaurant located right in town. The service was fabulous shout out to our waiter! Dinner was very good BB got the duck which was delicious I was not a fan of the sauce but according to BB the duck was cooked perfectly. I ordered the steak and crab, which has been their number 1 seller according to their menu for 17 years. Here is how I feel about it the steak was pretty good I didn't like the sauce it was a Bearnaise sauce of which I am not a fan and I don't like crab either so I gave it to BB but the my steak was cooked well and seasoned appropriately and my veggies and mashed potatoes were pretty good :).

Overall it was a nice trip and fun to get away but through this whole experience I have learned something about myself and that is that I am a Lady of Luxury and I don't think I will be staying in any more cabins any time soon. It will be all hotels and not motels in a our travels from here on out.

I would recommend a trip to Cape May for the weekend but be prepared for a tourist city!

Stay tuned for a post on my traveling tips!

Happy Monday!